Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why mosquitos are choosy

140 million years of evolution has produced a tiny bloodsucking beast which spreads many diseases and causes death and discomfort to millions of people around the world. 

Yet it appears that some people never get bitten, whilst others seem to have mozzie bulls eyes all over them. 
They are like candles are to moths, like helicopters are to surface to air guided missiles, like an alcohol is to alcoholics. 

But the question remains WHY. The answer is that we don't really know.
There are theories such as: High levels of CO2 from breath,  higher temperature skin, imbibing alcohol, the levels of lactic acid on the skin. Still for every one of these reasons, there are people claiming exceptions to the rule.

Maybe the people that claim they don't get bitten actually DO get bitten, its just that they don't have the allergic reactions others get of itchy swollen lumps, perhaps that's part of it. 

So what is the answer?. Well, try to protect yourself, if you find repellents work and you are happy to keep using them, great, but that's uncomfortable too I guess. 
Sooner or later though, your guard will be down it and if you attract them,  you will get bitten, and then you need relief.

Creams, pills and potions don't work for long. There are as many home cures as you can imagine, from vinegar to lemon juice.

There is however a permanent cure, and the good news is its quick and easy to use. The way it works is harmless and permanent and relies on some nifty electronics. They cost $99 and will last many years.  

all for now



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