Sunday, May 15, 2011


Mozzys are expert at sneak attacks
I am one of those unlucky people who attract every biting bug going. Whether its sleeping in my bed, or visiting friend who have cats or dogs, the minute I arrive the mosquitos and fleas home in on me like guided missiles and - bite me and suck my blood. Then,  these horrid creatures inject poison by way of thanks. Shortly after the itching starts, then a red lump on the skin, sometimes dozens of them. It drives me NUTS!

Here is the solution I invented


Take a look here at some bite pictures
 My bodies immune system is so strong I get a large red welt within a few minutes, which itches for about four days. I have tried everything, creams, sprays, DEET, poisons, antihistamine pills. Nothing works, except maybe the pills - they simply knock me out for a few hours and the itching starts all over again. I lived on a farm, its a dream. But the dream is a nightmare when I literally eaten alive by every insect around, spiders, mozzies, fleas, flies, you name it. Before my invention, my life was a disaster. I once scratched so much that one cluster of bites turned into uticaria - a secondary disorder.Whatever it is about my blood, insects love me, and they will single me out of any group of people.

So what to do? Well I left the farm, but where I live now is near the countryside and on warm nights I am still attacked.

I read up about the reason we itch from insect bites. I learned that the poisons they inject are complex proteins and cause a defensive reaction from the body. This creates the urge to scratch, - but so what - just knowing why we itch so much does not help a bit.

Until now, nothing could penetrate skin deep enough to break down the poison and stop the itch
But then I had a stroke of insight. It came in an odd way in fact.  I hurt my shoulder chopping some wood one day and went to the physiotherapist. She applied an electronic probe to my sore muscle and the pain soon eased. Somehow the probe was penetrating energy deep into the muscle.  "What if" - I thought, "what would happen if I could make an electronic device to penetrate energy into insect bites would the itch stop?

I carried out many experiments for a year or so and eventually found the secret. A year later I had a battery powered portable  device - the Mozzie bite Eliminator"  The prototypes worked perfectly from day one, and extensive testing with many people, has proven the concept to be 100% effective for everybody.  What you see below is the latest design, but we are improving them continually.

It will stop your bites from itching immediately  - guaranteed or your money back.

You can see a demonstration of it on it here:  VIDEO DEMO

The unit fits into the palm of a hand,  and by pressing a button on the side, a small metal probe is activated.
Simply apply the probe to the bite for 60 - 90 seconds the energy penetrates deep into the skin and the  proteins and the poisons are destroyed. The body then flushes them from your body in a few hours. The itching stops immediately and the bite does not come back - its gone for good. Nothing else works this fast.

Large bites with a severe reaction might need a second treatment about six hours later, application time varies from person to person and depends on the sort of bug that bit you. Spider bites seem to need the longest time, but be careful, some spider bites are extremely poisonous and you should see a doctor if it is painful rather than itchy, this device won't help if you have a highly poisonous spider bite. Here in Africa we have a very wide variety of insects, and I think that Europeans have not developed resistance to many of them.

During application a slight warming of the skin is felt but this is normal. The intensity of the warming varies between people, and the part of the body its applied to, because some parts of skin are more sensitive than others. It is harmless and cannot burn the skin, the electronic controller is calibrated to be safe.

For me its been a life changer and I take it with me everywhere. We developed a re-chargable version which I always take with me on travels, and plug into the nearest power socket. It its small enough to keep in my pocket and is a constant companion. It makes a great present too, and is safe on children's skin.

I do not know of another device which does this, but if you want to buy one click on the PAYPAL icon above or email:   Don't wait do it now.